Despite the COLD wind the Comanche Nation Contest was good event. A lot of people showed up and a lot of good skating went down. Congrats to Dakota Camp who held it down for Deviance and took first in S.K.A.T.E. (18+), Best Trick, and Best Run on the Mini Ramp! Dirty, Josh Waters, and many others threw down some sick tricks.
- Josh Water Ollie
- Dakota Camp Ollie
- Chris Ferrell Ollie
- Garret Hight Ollie Contest Winner
- Dirty Krooked Grind to Flat
- Happy Bunch
- Dirty Backlip over Deathbox
- Dakota Fingerflip to Tail
- Dakota Frontside Ollie
- Lurker (good kid, helped us out a lot)
- Mikey Kickflip to flat
- Tray Tailslide
- Tyler Hippie Jump
- Josh Waters Roast Beef
garrett was good man he is nasty